
chris. communication. understanding.

chris. communication. understanding. words cant express everything. and the spoken word expresses so much more than the written word or the signed word. communication is trying to get someone to a similar understanding youre at. its like theres this idea in your head that is sort of like a large cloud of fog. and maybe you can solidify part of the cloud. make it into water. words. and then you can give these words to someone else and they can try to recreate the cloud. but the cloud is never the same. the molecules never settle into the exact same position as your cloud. the definitions of the words they use may be slightly different. or the method they use to reform the idea might not be yours. they could have psychic walls that dont give the cloud enough room to fully form. or maybe they have more space than you. maybe the cloud mixes with other clouds they have and becomes contaminated. no matter what. its never the same cloud. but sometimes its close. sometimes the words were just right. they knew just how to form the cloud. and to the naked eye theyre the same. this is true understanding. and you know when you have that. you just know. (occasionally though this is really hard because part of the cloud can never be expressed as mere words. it just wont condense that way. so you give the person everything you can and hope their knowledge and experience will allow them to recreate the missing part).

growing up is merely a development of the methods of distillation and recombination and a gathering of clouds. as we grow we learn new methods of expression. a larger vocabulary. music. mathematical symbols. whatever. and we learn new and better methods to understand other peoples expression. and finally we build larger and larger rooms with more and more clouds that interact more and more.

chris expresses that the part which cannot be put into words is actually emotion. and it is this emotional part of idea which is hardest to communicate.




